Embryo Donation


Embryo donation treatment is a method that can be used when neither the woman is able to produce eggs nor the man is able to produce sperm. In such situations, excess embryos of families who have donated and wanted to share are used. In this case, a sperm sample is selected from the sperm bank. At the same time, Some eggs are taken from a suitable female donor, then these eggs and sperms are combined with appropriate methods in our center to obtain an average of 10 embryos and some of these embryos are transferred to the mother. The remaining embryos are stored frozen to be used according to the wishes of the family.

Who Is Embryo Donation Suitable For?

  • Couples who cannot produce viable sperm and oocytes
  • Couples with genetic disorders
  • Couples who after repeated attempts have been unable to develop a good quality embryo with their own sperm and egg
  • Couples who have experienced repeated unsuccessful IVF treatment

Female related:

  • Ovarian reserve is low, especially in older women
  • Poor Egg quality (due to age or a genetic related problem)
  • Menopause at an early age (menopause before 40 years of age)
  • Ovaries have never worked because of congenital or genetic reasons (i.e. women who have never seen menstruation since puberty)
  • No healthy embryos have been produced after an IVF attempt or poor quality embryos and as a result no viable pregnancy has occurred
  • Multiple failed IVF attempts because of poor egg quality
  • Women of a mature age who desire a pregnancy (unfortunately women who are over 43 years of age are unlikely to conceive with their own eggs, the chance of pregnancy with their own eggs is less than 5%)

Male related:

  • No sperm production
  • No non-sperm cells (Azoospermia) in semen after surgically removing cells from the patient (like TESE)
  • Decrease in sperm quality and no viable or healthy pregnancy has occurred
  • Due to genetic problems, a viable or healthy pregnancy cannot be possible

Egg Donor Criteria

  • Not currently on the shot
  • Between 21-28 years of age
  • Have regular monthly periods
  • No reproductive disorders or abnormalities
  • Physically and emotionally healthy
  • BMI under 28 (BMI calculator)
  • Non-Nicotine user, Non-smoker, Non-drug user
  • Not currently using the Implanon arm implant
  • Willing to undergo medical and psychological evaluation
  • Willing to take injectable medication
  • Willing to commit to the process for a minimum of 6 months
  • Willing and able to respond to communication within 24 hours from ConceiveAbilities and clinic staff
  • Excited about the process of helping to build a family

Embryo Donation or Embryo adoption is suitable for patients who are not able to conceive with their own eggs and sperm. IVF treatment is used to collect healthy eggs from a young donor and sperm from a healthy sperm donor and then transfer the viable embryo to the female candidate. This treatment is also an option for single females looking to have a child without a partner.

How Does The Embryo Donation Treatment Process Work?

When deciding if Embryo Donation is for you, it is important you have the right Doctor to guide you and carry out the right tests and evaluate your case as thoroughly as possible. When it is decided that Embryo Donation is the right treatment for you, preparation of the female is important with the right blood tests and scans just like the preparation for IVF treatment and also finding the right donors is important.

Egg donors are aged between 20-27 years of age and they are screened for sexually transmitted disease and also to make sure they are not genetic carriers of Thalassemia, Cystic Fibrosis and Sickle Cell Anemia and also Karyotype to make sure this is normal. The donors undergo extensive psychological screening to make sure that they are prepared for the donation cycle.