Gender Selection – PGD


What is Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)?

Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) or Pre-implantation Genetic Screening (PGS) are therapies used to assist patients with known genetic issues or otherwise unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss. Known genetic problems can include gross chromosomal abnormalities that would place the couple at risk of pregnancy loss, or having a child with multiple medical conditions.. If both members of a couple are carriers of these mutations and wish to reduce the chance of an affected child, then PGD would be an option. Finally, if a couple is suffering from recurrent pregnancy loss presumed to be due to genetically abnormal conceptions, PGS might be of benefit. PGD/PGS both involve In Vitro Fertilization. On the third or fifth day of embryo development, the embryo is biopsied and assessed for the genetic.

Cyprus Gender Selection

How Is Gender Determination Made? – What is gender selection?

The gender selection process, also known as sex determination or gender reassignment, is a medical technique that allows parents to choose the sex of their baby. In order for couples to have Cyprus sex determination procedures, first of all, in vitro fertilization treatment should be started. In Cyprus sex selection procedures, cells are taken from embryos by biopsy. With the studies carried out in genetic laboratories, it is checked whether the embryo is a boy or a girl.

Why Cyprus Gender Selection?

Couples opt for sex determination to help prevent serious genetic diseases and sex-specific chromosomal disorders. For example, some maternally inherited gender-related diseases will only affect boys or girls. In this case, the disease is prevented even before it is born by choosing a reverse gender.

Another reason for choosing Cyprus IVF Gender Selection is that parents want to balance their families according to their own dreams. Some couples may have a psychological need to have a child of a particular gender.

Advantages of Gender Recognition in Cyprus

Women who want to become pregnant in the future will have a baby after sex determination in Cyprus, as well as selections made from among the healthiest embryos. Couples who are faced with unsuccessful implantations for a long time, and thanks to this method, both the risk of multiple pregnancy and the increase in the clinical pregnancy rate, everyone who wants will now have a child, while this child will be of the gender they want.

Cyprus Gender Recognition Prices

Cyprus is one of the most preferred regions among the world countries for IVF treatment. The main reason for this is; high success rates accompanied by low prices.

Embryo biopsy is the technique applied by the embryologist within an IVF treatment in order to remove one or more cells from the preimplantation embryos. These cells will be then further examined by a genetic/molecular laboratory in order to receive information on the genetic status of the embryos. Briefly, this technique is utilised in order to select the healthy embryos prior to their transfer in to the uterus. Embryos that are carrying genetic disorders or chromosomal aberrations will be excluded from the final selection. 

The technique can be applied in different developmental stages of the preimplantation embryos. Until recently, most IVF laboratories performed embryo biopsies on Day 3 of development (6-8 cell stage). Day five biopsy is a newer approach that is gaining a lot of popularity among embryologists since it has a few advantages over the cleavage stage embryo biopsy, such as more cells to work with (more DNA), less mosaicism, no impact on embryo development, and fewer embryos to biopsy per IVF treatment. In most cases a fresh embryo transfer is not possible though. Embryos are vitrified and are transferred to a future frozen embryo transfer. In comparison, cleavage stage biopsy carries but there is an increased risk of mosaicim and possible compromise of the implantation potential of the biopsied embryos. 

Embryos that are though to be free of the genetic condition are transferred back to the mother’s uterus.

Diseases That Ban Be Screened By PGD:

  • Single Gene Diseases
  • Mediterranean Anemia
  • (ß-thalassemia)
  • Sickle Cell Anemia
  • Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)
  • Congenital Hearing Loss – Deafness
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Nijmegen Syndrome
  • Leigh’s Syndrome
  • Pompe
  • Galactosemia
  • Niemann Pick
  • Otopalatodigital Syndrome
  • RH incompatibility
  • Prothrombin
  • Factor V Leyden
  • Chromosomal disorders
  • Down Syndrome
  • Edwards Syndrome
  • Patau Syndrome
  • Klinefelter Syndrome
  • Turner Syndrome and all other types of chromosomal disorders
  • Tissue compatibility tests
  • HLA Typing