Tandem Cycle


What Is A Tandem Cycle?

It is a frequently preferred in-vitro fertilization treatment particularly in patient groups whose egg reserve is limited or very weak. Thanks to this treatment, the patient is able to hold the donor egg ready in reserve and evaluate the same treatment period in case of potential egg problems.

The expectant mother will start egg stimulation process. During the same period , a donor whose physical characteristics are similar to the patient will start the donor program by our doctor. During the IVF procedure tests will be carried out and both the patient and the donor’s egg will be separately followed and monitored. If the patient’s own embryos do not develop well, the donor’s embryo will be used. If a few well developed embryos develop, the success of a possible pregnancy will increase thanks to  additional embryos.

Advantages Of Tandem Cycle:

  • The patient gets a chance to be treated by her own egg for the last time before starting donation treatment
  • The success obtained from the treatment increases because donor egg is used