Egg Donation


Egg donation or egg transplantation is the most commonly preferred by patients who cannot conceive with their own eggs. There is no difference between pregnancy obtained by egg donation and normal pregnancy. The success rate in the treatment of egg donation is about 70%, regardless of age.

Who Needs Egg Donation?

  • Women who have never had periods although specified as having healthy intrauterine mucous membrane
  • Women having lost their egg cells following a chemotheraphy or radiotheraphy; women having an operation in which their eggs are removed by surgical ways, or women suffering from early menopause with an unknown reason
  • Women for whom the previous trials ended ineffectively with no eggs obtained
  • Patients for whom the result of the FSH test performed on the 3rd day of the periods is over 15
  • Women for whom the previous trials of IVF ended ineffectively with no pregnancy obtained
  • The fact that a genetic disease is present in the family
  • Egg donation treatment is considered in case that pregnancy is not obtained owing to the fact that a few number of eggs, or defected eggs are available in IVF treatments

Choosing Donors For Egg Donation

  • The person who donates the egg may be someone who is known or unknown by the couple
  • Egg donors are between 20 and 29 years old and healthy individuals
  • Donors who have previously delivered healthy children are preferred
  • Family stories about mental retardation are investigated
  • Hereditary diseases in family stories are investigated
  • Donors whose Body Mass Index (BMI) is between 19-29
  • Psychoactive drug use of donors is investigated
  • Drug addiction of donors is investigated
  • It is investigated whether donors have any genetic transmission disease

Egg donors are young, healthy and fertile people who have been investigated in terms of infectious diseases, (HBS Ag, Anti HBc, Anti HCV, Anti-HIV1, Anti-HIV2, VDRL-RPR, HTLV-I / II Antibody, Cytomegalovirus, Syphilis, Chlamydia) and genetic diseases (Karyotype analysis, Sickle cell, Cystic fibrosis and Talasemia. The physical characteristics of the egg donors, such as  skin color, eye color, hair color and the body type, are selected as similar to those of the couple. Additionally, the ethnicity, blood type and the other physical characteristics are selected  in concordance with the couple as much as possible.

Tests That Are Performed

Both partners are screened to determine their suitability for the donation process. They are evaluated and counselled in order to determine that they fully understand the nature of the process. The physical screening of the female partner includes examination by a gyneocologist and several tests such as:

  • Blood tests including, HbsAg, Anti-HCV, Anti-HBC total, HIV, VDRL
  • Blood type and Rh factor
  • TSH, T3, T4
  • Glucose test
  • CBC (Complete Blood Count)
  • Urea, SGOT, SGPT
  • FSH, LH, E2 and PRL, AMH

The male partner is screened also for blood tests and will also have to make the following analysis

  • Semen analysis
  • Blood type and Rh factor
  • Blood tests including, HbsAg, Anti-HCV, Anti-HBC total, HIV, VDRL

Egg Transfer And Pregnancy

Birth control pills are used to ensure the mensturation coordination between the person who will give the egg and the person who will receive the egg. As soon as Donor begins receiving the treatment for egg growth, the patient starts to use estrogen at an increasing dose on the 2nd day of the menstrual period. Estrogen provides thickening of the intrauterine layer to hold the embryos to be transferred to the uterus. This pretreatment is a tablet treatment that can be easily applied by the patient in her own country. Pre-treatment period lasts about 12 days. After this preparation, the patient is planned to come to Cyprus and on the day when the donor's eggs are collected, the sperm sample is taken from the spouse and the microinjection process is started. On the same day, the mother begins to use vaginal progesterone. 3 or 5 days after the day the sperm sample is given, 2 or 3 embryos are transferred into the uterus and the treatment is completed. The total duration of the treatment is 7 days. In egg donation, ßHCG hormone is tested 12 days after embryo transfer. In the treatment, patient continues to use progesterone for 3 months and estrogen for 2 months.

As Cyprus IVF Centre we do not use frozen eggs. If our patient does not have a special condition, we prefer to perform embryo tranfser on the 5th day (blastocyst transfer stage). Hence, we provide the highest pregnancy rate for our patients by determining the best embryos. We freeze the remaining embryos after embryo transfer for future use.

Benefits And Risks Of Egg Donation

In experienced clinics, the rate of clinical pregnancy reaches 70% per donation treatment. In all cases, egg donation treatment has a higher success rate than the woman's own egg. Egg donation can be an alternative to adoption. So, the semi-genetic material of the embryo is derived from the pair and mother carries the the embryo. In this way, as the mother take the control of the growth and development of the fetus, it is more likely to achieve a healthy baby. The mother experiences the process from the beginning to the end of pregnancy and during the breastfeeding; this also develops the closeness to the baby. Therefore, it is more preferred than adoption process. Approximately 15% of pregnancies obtained in donation cycles, such as in natural pregnant women, may result in miscarriages and multiple pregnancies may occur in 20-25%. As Cyprus IVF Centre, we plan egg donation cycles carefully and intensively and we develop flexible treatment plans for our patients. Please visit our success rates section for egg donation success rates. In our center, 70% pregnancy success is achieved with egg donation treatment.

You can contact us for the most suitable Cyprus Egg Donation Price.